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Adrian has a passion for social justice and fairness.
He has an IT and Justice background from the UK, as well as service in the Military Reserves both Infantry, Communications and currently ADF Cadets.
Before moving to Western Australia, Adrian lived in the Australia Capital Territory working for the ACT's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Service where he was exposed to the issues facing Australia's First People. This was very confronting as outside of Australia these issues are little known and it was difficult to reconcile events that had occurred in his own lifetime as well as the multiple current issues. It was apparent that there are no easy solutions and some will always feel the hurt and social devastation. He is also aware of others such as the "Forgotten Generation", who also experienced great trauma.
All these states and teritories come with multicultural populations and with great divides between the extremes of affluence and impoverishment.
Adrian recognised that fairness isn’t treating everyone equally, its identifying and addressing a person's individual needs.
In WA Adrian was again employed in the Justice System later moving to Child Protection and Family support. The question of why some people are so regularly involved in the Justice System was answered for him by this experience with Children. He realised that the neglect and abuse experienced by these children leaves them struggling to engage in society, often leaving them with both physical and pschological injuries which result in lifelong involvement with many mainstream services, such as Justice, Health, Housing as well as Disability.
From Child Protection, Adrian then moved into the disability sector, starting off doing administration as well as Support work, before helping his partner Sukhi, form their own Company, Diversitas WA.
Adrian works to ensure his clients have a Voice and are always at the centre of everything Providers deliver. He is passionate about safeguarding his participants, and also removing unecessary restrictions.
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